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Have you ever been through a moment, when you watched a random video on YouTube and the video was so good that you ended up liking it and wondered if there could be download option available!?
Obviously many of us might have faced this.
So here is an article presenting the solution.
Basically there are three ways to download your favourite YouTube video.
Have you ever been through a moment, when you watched a random video on YouTube and the video was so good that you ended up liking it and wondered if there could be download option available!?
Obviously many of us might have faced this.
So here is an article presenting the solution.
Basically there are three ways to download your favourite YouTube video.
- Through UC Browser
- Through an app called "Tube Pro-Best Client for YouTube
- And through another app named "Tubemate Videos HD"
Although the 'second' and 'third' option is available for both Windows 10 and W8.1 users, the first option seems to work only on Windows 8.1.
Here you just need to
- Download UC Browser app from Windows store
- Enter the app and then go to YouTube
- Once the video has loaded you'll get a 'Blue video icon' possibly on the left bottom of the screen
- Click on it and it will ask "Watch online" or "Load video"
- Just select "Load video"
- And your video will start downloading.
While for option number 2 and 3,
- You need to download the respective apps and enter the app
- Once you enter the app and choose a video, there you'll see a download iconoption on the video
- Just click on it and done
- Also, you have the choice of downloading videos with 'LQ', 'HQ & 'HD'.
However, in case of option 2, the downloaded videos will be stored in the app only and not on your phone or SD card. So I suggest you to better go for option 3, i.e, Tubemate, so that the downloaded video will be with you for permanent.
HAPPY YouTubing.
P.s.:- If there are any other options available that you are familiar with then please let us know in the comments section below.
Also suggestions are welcome. :)